PyTorch CRNN: Seq2Seq Digits Recognition w/ CTC
This article discusses handwritten character recognition (OCR) in images using sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) mapping performed by a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) trained with Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss. The aforementioned approach is employed in multiple modern OCR engines for handwritten...
Improving Tesseract 4's OCR Accuracy through Image Preprocessing
In this work I took a look at Tesseract 4’s performance at recognizing characters from a challenging dataset and proposed a minimalistic convolution-based approach for input image preprocessing that can boost the character-level accuracy from 13.4% to 61.6% (+359% relative...
PyTorch Iterative FGVM: Targeted Adversarial Samples for Traffic-Sign Recognition
Inspired by the progress of driverless cars and by the fact that this subject is not thoroughly discussed I decided to give it a shot at creating smooth targeted adversarial samples that are interpreted as legit traffic signs with a...
RSA: Encrypt in .NET & Decrypt in Python
So… one of my current projects required the following actions: asymmetrically encrypt a string in .NET using a public key and decrypt it in a python script using a private key. The problem that I’ve encountered was that, apparently, I...
Avoid a Mistake: Correctly Calculate Multiclass Accuracy
Today I held a short laboratory which tackled different metrics used in evaluating classifiers. One of the tasks required that, given the performances of 2 classifiers as confusion matrices, the students will calculate the accuracy of the 2 models. One...
Bypassing ASLR and DEP - Getting Shells with pwntools
Today, I’d like to take some time and to present a short trick to bypass both ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) and DEP (Data Execution Prevention) in order to obtain a shell in a buffer-overflow vulnerable binary. I’ve seen this...